changeset 186:44a34baabea0

Clone refactored into a command. HgBundle needs means to control its lifecycle, to be deleted when no longer needed
author Artem Tikhomirov <>
date Thu, 14 Apr 2011 00:47:04 +0200 (2011-04-13)
parents c6fa4dbfc458
children b8534ac8ac67
files cmdline/org/tmatesoft/hg/console/ cmdline/org/tmatesoft/hg/console/ src/org/tmatesoft/hg/core/ src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/ src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/ src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/
diffstat 6 files changed, 384 insertions(+), 290 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/cmdline/org/tmatesoft/hg/console/	Wed Apr 13 19:55:59 2011 +0200
+++ b/cmdline/org/tmatesoft/hg/console/	Thu Apr 14 00:47:04 2011 +0200
@@ -16,308 +16,42 @@
 package org.tmatesoft.hg.console;
-import static org.tmatesoft.hg.core.Nodeid.NULL;
-import static org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.RequiresFile.*;
-import static org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.RequiresFile.DOTENCODE;
-import static org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.RequiresFile.FNCACHE;
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
 import java.util.List;
-import java.util.TreeMap;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.core.HgBadStateException;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.core.HgRepoFacade;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.core.Nodeid;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.ByteArrayDataAccess;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.DataAccess;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.DigestHelper;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.Internals;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.RequiresFile;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.RevlogStream;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgBundle;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.core.HgCloneCommand;
 import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgLookup;
 import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRemoteRepository;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgBundle.GroupElement;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRepository;
-import org.tmatesoft.hg.util.PathRewrite;
+ * Initial clone of a repository. Creates a brand new repository and populates it from specified source. 
  * @author Artem Tikhomirov
  * @author TMate Software Ltd.
 public class Clone {
- * Changegroup: 
- * 
- * 
- * 
- * according to latter, bundleformat data is sent through zlib
- * (there's no header like HG10?? with the server output, though, 
- * as one may expect according to
- */
+	// ran with args: svnkit c:\temp\hg\test-clone
 	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 		Options cmdLineOpts = Options.parse(args);
-		HgRepoFacade hgRepo = new HgRepoFacade();
-		if (!hgRepo.init(cmdLineOpts.findRepository())) {
-			System.err.printf("Can't find repository in: %s\n", hgRepo.getRepository().getLocation());
+		List<String> noOptsArgs = cmdLineOpts.getList("");
+		if (noOptsArgs.isEmpty()) {
+			System.err.println("Need at least one argument pointing to remote server to pull changes from");
-		File destDir = new File("/temp/hg/clone-01/");
-		if (destDir.exists()) {
-			if (!destDir.isDirectory()) {
-				throw new IllegalArgumentException();
-			} else if (destDir.list().length > 0) {
-				throw new IllegalArgumentException();
-			}
-		} else {
-			destDir.mkdirs();
-		}
-		// if cloning remote repo, which can stream and no revision is specified -
-		// can use 'stream_out' wireproto
-		//
-		// //////// 1. from take code that asks changegroup from remote server and write it down to temp file
-		// //////// 2. then, read the file with HgBundle
-		// //////// 3. process changelog, memorize nodeids to index
-		// //////// 4. process manifest, using map from step 3, collect manifest nodeids
-		// //////// 5. process every file, using map from 3, and consult set from step 4 to ensure repo is correct
-		// access source
-		HgRemoteRepository remoteRepo = new HgLookup().detect(new URL("https://asd/hg/"));
-		// discover changes
-		HgBundle completeChanges = remoteRepo.getChanges(Collections.singletonList(NULL));
-		WriteDownMate mate = new WriteDownMate(destDir);
-		// instantiate new repo in the destdir
-		mate.initEmptyRepository();
-		// pull changes
-		completeChanges.inspectAll(mate);
-		mate.complete();
-		// completeChanges.unlink();
-	}
-	private static class WriteDownMate implements HgBundle.Inspector {
-		private final File hgDir;
-		private FileOutputStream indexFile;
-		private final PathRewrite storagePathHelper;
-		private final TreeMap<Nodeid, Integer> changelogIndexes = new TreeMap<Nodeid, Integer>();
-		private boolean collectChangelogIndexes = false;
-		private int base = -1;
-		private long offset = 0;
-		private DataAccess prevRevContent;
-		private final DigestHelper dh = new DigestHelper();
-		private final ArrayList<Nodeid> revisionSequence = new ArrayList<Nodeid>(); // last visited nodes first
-		private final LinkedList<String> fncacheFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
-		public WriteDownMate(File destDir) {
-			hgDir = new File(destDir, ".hg");
-			Internals i = new Internals();
-			i.setStorageConfig(1, STORE | FNCACHE | DOTENCODE);
-			storagePathHelper = i.buildDataFilesHelper();
-		}
-		public void initEmptyRepository() throws IOException {
-			hgDir.mkdir();
-			FileOutputStream requiresFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "requires"));
-			requiresFile.write("revlogv1\nstore\nfncache\ndotencode\n".getBytes());
-			requiresFile.close();
-			new File(hgDir, "store").mkdir(); // with that, hg verify says ok.
-		}
-		public void complete() throws IOException {
-			FileOutputStream fncacheFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "store/fncache"));
-			for (String s : fncacheFiles) {
-				fncacheFile.write(s.getBytes());
-				fncacheFile.write(0x0A); //
-			}
-			fncacheFile.close();
-		}
-		public void changelogStart() {
-			try {
-				base = -1;
-				offset = 0;
-				revisionSequence.clear();
-				indexFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "store/00changelog.i"));
-				collectChangelogIndexes = true;
-			} catch (IOException ex) {
-				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
-			}
-		}
-		public void changelogEnd() {
-			try {
-				if (prevRevContent != null) {
-					prevRevContent.done();
-					prevRevContent = null;
-				}
-				collectChangelogIndexes = false;
-				indexFile.close();
-				indexFile = null;
-			} catch (IOException ex) {
-				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
-			}
-		}
-		public void manifestStart() {
-			try {
-				base = -1;
-				offset = 0;
-				revisionSequence.clear();
-				indexFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "store/00manifest.i"));
-			} catch (IOException ex) {
-				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
-			}
-		}
-		public void manifestEnd() {
-			try {
-				if (prevRevContent != null) {
-					prevRevContent.done();
-					prevRevContent = null;
-				}
-				indexFile.close();
-				indexFile = null;
-			} catch (IOException ex) {
-				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
-			}
+		HgCloneCommand cmd = new HgCloneCommand();
+		String remoteRepo = noOptsArgs.get(0);
+		HgRemoteRepository hgRemote = new HgLookup().detectRemote(remoteRepo, null);
+		if (hgRemote.isInvalid()) {
+			System.err.printf("Remote repository %s is not valid", hgRemote.getLocation());
+			return;
-		public void fileStart(String name) {
-			try {
-				base = -1;
-				offset = 0;
-				revisionSequence.clear();
-				fncacheFiles.add("data/" + name + ".i"); // FIXME this is pure guess, 
-				// need to investigate more how filenames are kept in fncache
-				File file = new File(hgDir, storagePathHelper.rewrite(name));
-				file.getParentFile().mkdirs();
-				indexFile = new FileOutputStream(file);
-			} catch (IOException ex) {
-				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
-			}
-		}
-		public void fileEnd(String name) {
-			try {
-				if (prevRevContent != null) {
-					prevRevContent.done();
-					prevRevContent = null;
-				}
-				indexFile.close();
-				indexFile = null;
-			} catch (IOException ex) {
-				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
-			}
-		}
-		private int knownRevision(Nodeid p) {
-			if (NULL.equals(p)) {
-				return -1;
-			} else {
-				for (int i = revisionSequence.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
-					if (revisionSequence.get(i).equals(p)) {
-						return i;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			throw new HgBadStateException(String.format("Can't find index of %s", p.shortNotation()));
+		cmd.source(hgRemote);
+		if (noOptsArgs.size() > 1) {
+			cmd.destination(new File(noOptsArgs.get(1)));
+		} else {
+			cmd.destination(new File(System.getProperty("user.dir")));
-		public boolean element(GroupElement ge) {
-			try {
-				assert indexFile != null;
-				boolean writeComplete = false;
-				Nodeid p1 = ge.firstParent();
-				Nodeid p2 = ge.secondParent();
-				if (NULL.equals(p1) && NULL.equals(p2) /* or forced flag, does REVIDX_PUNCHED_FLAG indicate that? */) {
-					prevRevContent = new ByteArrayDataAccess(new byte[0]);
-					writeComplete = true;
-				}
-				byte[] content = ge.apply(prevRevContent);
-				byte[] calculated = dh.sha1(p1, p2, content).asBinary();
-				final Nodeid node = ge.node();
-				if (!node.equalsTo(calculated)) {
-					throw new HgBadStateException("Checksum failed");
-				}
-				final int link;
-				if (collectChangelogIndexes) {
-					changelogIndexes.put(node, revisionSequence.size());
-					link = revisionSequence.size();
-				} else {
-					Integer csRev = changelogIndexes.get(ge.cset());
-					if (csRev == null) {
-						throw new HgBadStateException(String.format("Changelog doesn't contain revision %s", ge.cset().shortNotation()));
-					}
-					link = csRev.intValue();
-				}
-				final int p1Rev = knownRevision(p1), p2Rev = knownRevision(p2);
-				DataAccess patchContent = ge.rawData();
-				writeComplete = writeComplete || patchContent.length() >= (/* 3/4 of actual */content.length - (content.length >>> 2));
-				if (writeComplete) {
-					base = revisionSequence.size();
-				}
-				final byte[] sourceData = writeComplete ? content : patchContent.byteArray();
-				final byte[] data;
-				ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(content.length);
-				DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(bos);
-				dos.write(sourceData);
-				dos.close();
-				final byte[] compressedData = bos.toByteArray();
-				dos = null;
-				bos = null;
-				final Byte dataPrefix;
-				if (compressedData.length >= (sourceData.length - (sourceData.length >>> 2))) {
-					// compression wasn't too effective,
-					data = sourceData;
-					dataPrefix = 'u';
-				} else {
-					data = compressedData;
-					dataPrefix = null;
-				}
-				ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(64 /* REVLOGV1_RECORD_SIZE */);
-				if (offset == 0) {
-					final int INLINEDATA = 1 << 16;
-					header.putInt(1 /* RevlogNG */ | INLINEDATA);
-					header.putInt(0);
-				} else {
-					header.putLong(offset << 16);
-				}
-				final int compressedLen = data.length + (dataPrefix == null ? 0 : 1);
-				header.putInt(compressedLen);
-				header.putInt(content.length);
-				header.putInt(base);
-				header.putInt(link);
-				header.putInt(p1Rev);
-				header.putInt(p2Rev);
-				header.put(node.toByteArray());
-				// assume 12 bytes left are zeros
-				indexFile.write(header.array());
-				if (dataPrefix != null) {
-					indexFile.write(dataPrefix.byteValue());
-				}
-				indexFile.write(data);
-				//
-				offset += compressedLen;
-				revisionSequence.add(node);
-				prevRevContent.done();
-				prevRevContent = new ByteArrayDataAccess(content);
-			} catch (IOException ex) {
-				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
-			}
-			return true;
-		}
+		cmd.execute();
--- a/cmdline/org/tmatesoft/hg/console/	Wed Apr 13 19:55:59 2011 +0200
+++ b/cmdline/org/tmatesoft/hg/console/	Thu Apr 14 00:47:04 2011 +0200
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@
 				System.out.printf("user:       %s\n", cset.user());
 				System.out.printf("date:       %s\n", cset.dateString());
 				System.out.printf("comment:    %s\n\n", cset.comment());
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/org/tmatesoft/hg/core/	Thu Apr 14 00:47:04 2011 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2011 TMate Software Ltd
+ *  
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * For information on how to redistribute this software under
+ * the terms of a license other than GNU General Public License
+ * contact TMate Software at
+ */
+package org.tmatesoft.hg.core;
+import static org.tmatesoft.hg.core.Nodeid.NULL;
+import static org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.RequiresFile.*;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.ByteArrayDataAccess;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.DataAccess;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.DigestHelper;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.internal.Internals;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgBundle;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgBundle.GroupElement;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgLookup;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRemoteRepository;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.repo.HgRepository;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.util.CancelledException;
+import org.tmatesoft.hg.util.PathRewrite;
+ *
+ * @author Artem Tikhomirov
+ * @author TMate Software Ltd.
+ */
+public class HgCloneCommand {
+	private File destination;
+	private HgRemoteRepository srcRepo;
+	public HgCloneCommand() {
+	}
+	public HgCloneCommand destination(File folder) {
+		destination = folder;
+		return this;
+	}
+	public HgCloneCommand source(HgRemoteRepository hgRemote) {
+		srcRepo = hgRemote;
+		return this;
+	}
+	public HgRepository execute() throws HgException, CancelledException {
+		if (destination == null) {
+			throw new HgBadArgumentException("Destination not set", null);
+		}
+		if (srcRepo == null || srcRepo.isInvalid()) {
+			throw new HgBadArgumentException("Bad source repository", null);
+		}
+		if (destination.exists()) {
+			if (!destination.isDirectory()) {
+				throw new HgBadArgumentException(String.format("%s is not a directory", destination), null);
+			} else if (destination.list().length > 0) {
+				throw new HgBadArgumentException(String.format("% shall be empty", destination), null);
+			}
+		} else {
+			destination.mkdirs();
+		}
+		// if cloning remote repo, which can stream and no revision is specified -
+		// can use 'stream_out' wireproto
+		//
+		// pull all changes from the very beginning
+		// XXX consult getContext() if by any chance has a bundle ready, if not, then read and register 
+		HgBundle completeChanges = srcRepo.getChanges(Collections.singletonList(NULL));
+		WriteDownMate mate = new WriteDownMate(destination);
+		try {
+			// instantiate new repo in the destdir
+			mate.initEmptyRepository();
+			// pull changes
+			completeChanges.inspectAll(mate);
+			mate.complete();
+		} catch (IOException ex) {
+			throw new HgException(ex);
+		} finally {
+			completeChanges.unlink();
+		}
+		return new HgLookup().detect(destination);
+	}
+	// 1. process changelog, memorize nodeids to index
+	// 2. process manifest, using map from step 3, collect manifest nodeids
+	// 3. process every file, using map from 3, and consult set from step 4 to ensure repo is correct
+	private static class WriteDownMate implements HgBundle.Inspector {
+		private final File hgDir;
+		private FileOutputStream indexFile;
+		private final PathRewrite storagePathHelper;
+		private final TreeMap<Nodeid, Integer> changelogIndexes = new TreeMap<Nodeid, Integer>();
+		private boolean collectChangelogIndexes = false;
+		private int base = -1;
+		private long offset = 0;
+		private DataAccess prevRevContent;
+		private final DigestHelper dh = new DigestHelper();
+		private final ArrayList<Nodeid> revisionSequence = new ArrayList<Nodeid>(); // last visited nodes first
+		private final LinkedList<String> fncacheFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
+		public WriteDownMate(File destDir) {
+			hgDir = new File(destDir, ".hg");
+			Internals i = new Internals();
+			i.setStorageConfig(1, STORE | FNCACHE | DOTENCODE);
+			storagePathHelper = i.buildDataFilesHelper();
+		}
+		public void initEmptyRepository() throws IOException {
+			hgDir.mkdir();
+			FileOutputStream requiresFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "requires"));
+			requiresFile.write("revlogv1\nstore\nfncache\ndotencode\n".getBytes());
+			requiresFile.close();
+			new File(hgDir, "store").mkdir(); // with that, hg verify says ok.
+		}
+		public void complete() throws IOException {
+			FileOutputStream fncacheFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "store/fncache"));
+			for (String s : fncacheFiles) {
+				fncacheFile.write(s.getBytes());
+				fncacheFile.write(0x0A); //
+			}
+			fncacheFile.close();
+		}
+		public void changelogStart() {
+			try {
+				base = -1;
+				offset = 0;
+				revisionSequence.clear();
+				indexFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "store/00changelog.i"));
+				collectChangelogIndexes = true;
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
+			}
+		}
+		public void changelogEnd() {
+			try {
+				if (prevRevContent != null) {
+					prevRevContent.done();
+					prevRevContent = null;
+				}
+				collectChangelogIndexes = false;
+				indexFile.close();
+				indexFile = null;
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
+			}
+		}
+		public void manifestStart() {
+			try {
+				base = -1;
+				offset = 0;
+				revisionSequence.clear();
+				indexFile = new FileOutputStream(new File(hgDir, "store/00manifest.i"));
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
+			}
+		}
+		public void manifestEnd() {
+			try {
+				if (prevRevContent != null) {
+					prevRevContent.done();
+					prevRevContent = null;
+				}
+				indexFile.close();
+				indexFile = null;
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
+			}
+		}
+		public void fileStart(String name) {
+			try {
+				base = -1;
+				offset = 0;
+				revisionSequence.clear();
+				fncacheFiles.add("data/" + name + ".i"); // FIXME this is pure guess, 
+				// need to investigate more how filenames are kept in fncache
+				File file = new File(hgDir, storagePathHelper.rewrite(name));
+				file.getParentFile().mkdirs();
+				indexFile = new FileOutputStream(file);
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
+			}
+		}
+		public void fileEnd(String name) {
+			try {
+				if (prevRevContent != null) {
+					prevRevContent.done();
+					prevRevContent = null;
+				}
+				indexFile.close();
+				indexFile = null;
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
+			}
+		}
+		private int knownRevision(Nodeid p) {
+			if (NULL.equals(p)) {
+				return -1;
+			} else {
+				for (int i = revisionSequence.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+					if (revisionSequence.get(i).equals(p)) {
+						return i;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			throw new HgBadStateException(String.format("Can't find index of %s", p.shortNotation()));
+		}
+		public boolean element(GroupElement ge) {
+			try {
+				assert indexFile != null;
+				boolean writeComplete = false;
+				Nodeid p1 = ge.firstParent();
+				Nodeid p2 = ge.secondParent();
+				if (NULL.equals(p1) && NULL.equals(p2) /* or forced flag, does REVIDX_PUNCHED_FLAG indicate that? */) {
+					prevRevContent = new ByteArrayDataAccess(new byte[0]);
+					writeComplete = true;
+				}
+				byte[] content = ge.apply(prevRevContent);
+				byte[] calculated = dh.sha1(p1, p2, content).asBinary();
+				final Nodeid node = ge.node();
+				if (!node.equalsTo(calculated)) {
+					throw new HgBadStateException("Checksum failed");
+				}
+				final int link;
+				if (collectChangelogIndexes) {
+					changelogIndexes.put(node, revisionSequence.size());
+					link = revisionSequence.size();
+				} else {
+					Integer csRev = changelogIndexes.get(ge.cset());
+					if (csRev == null) {
+						throw new HgBadStateException(String.format("Changelog doesn't contain revision %s", ge.cset().shortNotation()));
+					}
+					link = csRev.intValue();
+				}
+				final int p1Rev = knownRevision(p1), p2Rev = knownRevision(p2);
+				DataAccess patchContent = ge.rawData();
+				writeComplete = writeComplete || patchContent.length() >= (/* 3/4 of actual */content.length - (content.length >>> 2));
+				if (writeComplete) {
+					base = revisionSequence.size();
+				}
+				final byte[] sourceData = writeComplete ? content : patchContent.byteArray();
+				final byte[] data;
+				ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(content.length);
+				DeflaterOutputStream dos = new DeflaterOutputStream(bos);
+				dos.write(sourceData);
+				dos.close();
+				final byte[] compressedData = bos.toByteArray();
+				dos = null;
+				bos = null;
+				final Byte dataPrefix;
+				if (compressedData.length >= (sourceData.length - (sourceData.length >>> 2))) {
+					// compression wasn't too effective,
+					data = sourceData;
+					dataPrefix = 'u';
+				} else {
+					data = compressedData;
+					dataPrefix = null;
+				}
+				ByteBuffer header = ByteBuffer.allocate(64 /* REVLOGV1_RECORD_SIZE */);
+				if (offset == 0) {
+					final int INLINEDATA = 1 << 16;
+					header.putInt(1 /* RevlogNG */ | INLINEDATA);
+					header.putInt(0);
+				} else {
+					header.putLong(offset << 16);
+				}
+				final int compressedLen = data.length + (dataPrefix == null ? 0 : 1);
+				header.putInt(compressedLen);
+				header.putInt(content.length);
+				header.putInt(base);
+				header.putInt(link);
+				header.putInt(p1Rev);
+				header.putInt(p2Rev);
+				header.put(node.toByteArray());
+				// assume 12 bytes left are zeros
+				indexFile.write(header.array());
+				if (dataPrefix != null) {
+					indexFile.write(dataPrefix.byteValue());
+				}
+				indexFile.write(data);
+				//
+				offset += compressedLen;
+				revisionSequence.add(node);
+				prevRevContent.done();
+				prevRevContent = new ByteArrayDataAccess(content);
+			} catch (IOException ex) {
+				throw new HgBadStateException(ex);
+			}
+			return true;
+		}
+	}
--- a/src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/	Wed Apr 13 19:55:59 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/	Thu Apr 14 00:47:04 2011 +0200
@@ -75,6 +75,21 @@
 		return da;
+	private int uses = 0;
+	public HgBundle link() {
+		uses++;
+		return this;
+	}
+	public void unlink() {
+		uses--;
+		if (uses == 0 && bundleFile != null) {
+			bundleFile.deleteOnExit();
+		}
+	}
+	public boolean inUse() {
+		return uses > 0;
+	}
 	 * Get changes recorded in the bundle that are missing from the supplied repository.
 	 * @param hgRepo repository that shall possess base revision for this bundle
--- a/src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/	Wed Apr 13 19:55:59 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/	Thu Apr 14 00:47:04 2011 +0200
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
 		if (location == null || !location.canRead()) {
 			throw new IllegalArgumentException();
-		return new HgBundle(new DataAccessProvider(), location);
+		return new HgBundle(new DataAccessProvider(), location).link();
--- a/src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/	Wed Apr 13 19:55:59 2011 +0200
+++ b/src/org/tmatesoft/hg/repo/	Thu Apr 14 00:47:04 2011 +0200
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@
 	private final SSLContext sslContext;
 	private final String authInfo;
 	private final boolean debug = Boolean.parseBoolean(System.getProperty("hg4j.remote.debug"));
+	private HgLookup lookupHelper;
 	HgRemoteRepository(URL url) throws HgBadArgumentException {
 		if (url == null) {
@@ -301,8 +302,19 @@
-	// WireProtocol wiki: roots = a list of the latest nodes on every service side changeset branch that both the client and server know about.
-	// perhaps, shall be named 'changegroup'
+	/*
+	 * WireProtocol wiki: roots = a list of the latest nodes on every service side changeset branch that both the client and server know about.
+	 * 
+	 * Perhaps, shall be named 'changegroup'
+	 * Changegroup: 
+	 * 
+	 * 
+	 * 
+	 * according to latter, bundleformat data is sent through zlib
+	 * (there's no header like HG10?? with the server output, though, 
+	 * as one may expect according to
+	 */
 	public HgBundle getChanges(List<Nodeid> roots) throws HgException {
 		StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20 + roots.size() * 41);
@@ -322,13 +334,20 @@
 				dumpResponseHeader(u, c);
 			File tf = writeBundle(c.getInputStream(), false, "HG10GZ" /*didn't see any other that zip*/);
-			return new HgLookup().loadBundle(tf);
+			return getLookupHelper().loadBundle(tf);
 		} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
 			throw new HgException(ex);
 		} catch (IOException ex) {
 			throw new HgException(ex);
+	private HgLookup getLookupHelper() {
+		if (lookupHelper == null) {
+			lookupHelper = new HgLookup();
+		}
+		return lookupHelper;
+	}
 	private HttpURLConnection setupConnection(URLConnection urlConnection) {
 		urlConnection.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "hg4j/0.5.0");