
age author description
2011-08-25 Artem Tikhomirov Issue 10: Report file content length with respect of metadata. Respect dirstate parents for WC's status. Exceptions to keep useful attributes of the location
2011-08-25 Artem Tikhomirov Use Nodeid.isNull check instead of NULL.equals
2011-08-25 Artem Tikhomirov Added tag v0.5.0 for changeset c2601c0b4a1f
2011-08-25 Artem Tikhomirov Make present state available as version 0.5.0 v0.5.0
2011-08-24 Artem Tikhomirov Include tests for hgignore into the suite
2011-08-24 Artem Tikhomirov Avoid IAE:nullid when looking into stale merge/state file
2011-08-23 Artem Tikhomirov Respect glob pattern with alternatives {a,b}
2011-08-23 Artem Tikhomirov Use StringProxy when parsing manifest to minimize number of useless conversions and array instances
2011-08-23 Artem Tikhomirov Revert manifest parser changes - no single string and back to HashMap Pool
2011-08-19 Artem Tikhomirov Improve manifest parsing: reduce number of arrays instantiated for Nodeid
2011-08-19 Artem Tikhomirov Generous defaults for SparseSet not to fail on big manifests
2011-08-19 Artem Tikhomirov Optimize memory usage (reduce number of objects instantiated) when pooling file names and nodeids during manifest parsing
2011-08-18 Artem Tikhomirov RevlogStream - reduce number of object instances, reuse when possible
2011-08-18 Artem Tikhomirov Improve manifest parsing: decode bytes to chars once, minimize arraycopy on String instantiation, keep set of file revisions from previous manifest only
2011-08-17 Artem Tikhomirov Avoid redundant calls to library when converting a char to hex digit
2011-08-17 Artem Tikhomirov Experimental alternative to HashMap in Pool to reduce memory footprint
2011-08-16 Artem Tikhomirov Avoid IAE when repository has removed tags. Do not duplicate pools that are already in ManifestParser
2011-08-16 Artem Tikhomirov Reduce number of objects instantiated on revlog read
2011-08-16 Artem Tikhomirov Handle revision constants correctly
2011-08-16 Artem Tikhomirov Yet another slight perf/mem improvement for the tags per file sample
2011-08-16 Artem Tikhomirov Improve memory footprint of tag collection (about 14 Mb saved for cpython repo without HashMap.Entry and Entry[])
2011-08-16 Artem Tikhomirov Collect tags for a file - improve performance of 'sparse' manifest reads
2011-08-15 Artem Tikhomirov HgLogCommand.changeset(Nodeid) to ease command configuration
2011-08-15 Artem Tikhomirov HgRepository.getWorkingCopyBranchName() to retrieve branch associated with working directory
2011-08-12 Artem Tikhomirov Some javadoc to explain HgFileInformer
2011-08-12 Artem Tikhomirov Deprecated and long-time unused HgLogCommand.Handler gone
2011-08-12 Artem Tikhomirov Deprecated HgLogCommand.FileRevision gone, top-level HgFileRevision is bright and shiny replacement
2011-08-12 Artem Tikhomirov Issue 8: Means to find out information about given file at specific changeset. Inner ManifestRevisionInspector got promoted to ManifestRevision
2011-08-12 Artem Tikhomirov Issue 9: NPE in getModificationDate for files with status 'Unknown'
2011-08-11 Artem Tikhomirov Close file streams
2011-07-14 Artem Tikhomirov Avoid sorting revision range twice
2011-07-12 Artem Tikhomirov Use updated location of cache files (cache/ folder instead of .cache filename extension). Provide means to update (write down) cache for subsequent uses
2011-06-23 Artem Tikhomirov External cache Nodeid<->int added, Revlog.RevisionMap
2011-06-23 Artem Tikhomirov Improved reading of sparse revisions from a revlog
2011-06-23 Artem Tikhomirov Some javadoc
2011-06-23 Artem Tikhomirov Do not expect file history to be ordered
2011-06-16 Artem Tikhomirov Initial access to subrepositories
2011-06-15 Artem Tikhomirov Clean IOException reference
2011-06-10 Artem Tikhomirov Allow access to working copy content through HgDataFile. Give access to repository's working dir
2011-06-09 Artem Tikhomirov Speed up branches calculation when cached branch information is available
2011-06-07 Artem Tikhomirov Experimental access to working dir parents
2011-06-07 Artem Tikhomirov HgTags got TagInfo to access tags. Tags are read from all branches/revisions now, not only working copy
2011-06-03 Artem Tikhomirov Optimize file history walk not to iterat over whole changelog for sparse and distant revisions
2011-06-02 Artem Tikhomirov Allow to cat a file with changeset revision
2011-06-01 Artem Tikhomirov Introduced access to conflict resolution information (merge state)
2011-05-31 Artem Tikhomirov Test for scoped operation of HgStatusCollector
2011-05-31 Artem Tikhomirov Scope for status reworked: explicit files or a general matcher
2011-05-27 Artem Tikhomirov NPE when directory doesn't exist
2011-05-25 Artem Tikhomirov IOException on empty repository with 40-byte dirstate
2011-05-25 Artem Tikhomirov Support status query for a single file or a subdirectory of a repository
2011-05-25 Artem Tikhomirov Close stream after reading .hgignore
2011-05-25 Artem Tikhomirov Few tests for HgWorkingCopyStatusCollector
2011-05-23 Artem Tikhomirov HgBadStateException (IOException from FileAccess) on isCopy for empty data file
2011-05-19 Artem Tikhomirov Due to discrepancy in manifest and changelor indexes, wrong manifest revisions got cached and compared
2011-05-19 Artem Tikhomirov NPE when one of the flags is non-null
2011-05-19 Artem Tikhomirov Basic information about branches
2011-05-17 Artem Tikhomirov ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when file appended. Erroneous 'areTheSame' when trailing were deleted.
2011-05-17 Artem Tikhomirov Issue 7: Correctly handle manifest and changelog with different number of (or non-matching) revisions
2011-05-17 Artem Tikhomirov Experimental support to mix-in start and end events for inspectors. Additionally, Lifecycle may serve as iteration control
2011-05-16 Artem Tikhomirov Use correct super cons to allow explicit initCause