2011-10-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Explicit dependency for cmdline build
2011-10-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Explore alternatives to access file-changelog combined history
2011-09-30 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Exception when analyzing metadata of an empty renamed file
2011-09-30 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Propagate command's CancelSupport to low-level API. CancelSupport from context got priority over one from command
2011-09-30 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Clean unused imports
2011-09-30 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 15: Exception accessing oddly named file from history
2011-09-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Dump exception to console
2011-09-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Shall propagate errors to clients, not work around them silently
2011-09-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Rework file history build approach to match rest of the API
2011-09-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Supply HGFileRevision with copy information when possible, calculate it otherwise
2011-09-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Allow to query specific branch heads if they are closed
2011-09-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 14: NPE for merged dirstate and a file missed in dirstate's first parent
2011-09-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Test manifest cancellation
2011-09-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Facilitate cancellation and progress reporting in changelog and manifest iterations
2011-09-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Tests for array sort and reverse index building helper
2011-09-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Fix building sort reverse array when element was initially in correct position.
2011-09-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Branch with few children forked shall not ignore other children once one of them is processed
2011-09-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Recognize closed branches
2011-09-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Collect sort reverse indexes along with array sorting
2011-09-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Experimental code to build file history, handy access to changeset added
2011-09-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Experimental code to build file history
2011-09-21 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use memory-friendly set implementation to canonicalize filenames and nodeids
2011-09-20 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Remove debug printout
2011-09-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Walk explicit revisions to avoid troubles with unnatural repositories
2011-09-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Remarks about sorting order
2011-09-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Share range check code
2011-09-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Recognize flag options (options with no arguments) in command line sample apps
2011-09-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Updated jar with test repositories
2011-09-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Better message for incorrect range requested
2011-09-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 13: Tests for mixed-cased filenames in case-insensitive FS
2011-09-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 11: Error log facility. SessionContext to share common facilities
2011-09-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 13: Report filenames as they are known in repository rather than from file system
2011-09-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 13: Status reports filenames with case other than in dirstate incorrectly
2011-09-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Refactor PathRewrite to accept any char sequence, not only string
2011-09-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Refactor PathRewrite to accept any char sequence, not only string
2011-09-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Expose dirstate to allow pre-configuration of FileIterators for status collection in particular
2011-09-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Provide public access to ignored files configuration to use in alternative file walkers
2011-09-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Avoid boxing int values and list resizes on revlog read
2011-09-07 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use FileInfo abstraction with necessary subset of File functionality instead of File to facilitate other effective file system iterators
2011-09-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Few tests for working copy information (branch, parents)
2011-09-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use Path instead of plain String for manifest file names
2011-09-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
HgDirstate shall operate with Path instead of String for file names. Use of Pair instead of array of unspecified length for parents.
2011-09-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Ignored tests shall be valid tests nevertheless
2011-09-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Yet another WC status fix, where dirstate parent and base revision are treated right (dirstate parent other than tip and explicit baseRevision are not the same)
2011-09-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Utilize IntMap when caching manifest revisions
2011-09-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Erroneous and slow status for working copies based on non-tip revision
2011-08-31 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use EnumMap when keys are from enumeration
2011-08-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Ensure capacity grows regardless of initial map size. Separate unit test
2011-08-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Favor delegation over generalization
2011-08-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Tailored Map implementation with int keys
2011-08-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 10: Report file content length with respect of metadata. Respect dirstate parents for WC's status. Exceptions to keep useful attributes of the location
2011-08-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use Nodeid.isNull check instead of NULL.equals
2011-08-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Added tag v0.5.0 for changeset c2601c0b4a1f
2011-08-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Make present state available as version 0.5.0
2011-08-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Include tests for hgignore into the suite
2011-08-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Avoid IAE:nullid when looking into stale merge/state file
2011-08-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Respect glob pattern with alternatives {a,b}
2011-08-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use StringProxy when parsing manifest to minimize number of useless conversions and array instances
2011-08-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Revert manifest parser changes - no single string and back to HashMap Pool
2011-08-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Improve manifest parsing: reduce number of arrays instantiated for Nodeid
2011-08-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Generous defaults for SparseSet not to fail on big manifests
2011-08-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Optimize memory usage (reduce number of objects instantiated) when pooling file names and nodeids during manifest parsing
2011-08-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
RevlogStream - reduce number of object instances, reuse when possible
2011-08-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Improve manifest parsing: decode bytes to chars once, minimize arraycopy on String instantiation, keep set of file revisions from previous manifest only
2011-08-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Avoid redundant calls to library when converting a char to hex digit
2011-08-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Experimental alternative to HashMap in Pool to reduce memory footprint
2011-08-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Avoid IAE when repository has removed tags. Do not duplicate pools that are already in ManifestParser
2011-08-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Reduce number of objects instantiated on revlog read
2011-08-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Handle revision constants correctly
2011-08-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Yet another slight perf/mem improvement for the tags per file sample
2011-08-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Improve memory footprint of tag collection (about 14 Mb saved for cpython repo without HashMap.Entry and Entry[])
2011-08-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Collect tags for a file - improve performance of 'sparse' manifest reads
2011-08-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
HgLogCommand.changeset(Nodeid) to ease command configuration
2011-08-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
HgRepository.getWorkingCopyBranchName() to retrieve branch associated with working directory
2011-08-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Some javadoc to explain HgFileInformer
2011-08-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Deprecated and long-time unused HgLogCommand.Handler gone
2011-08-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Deprecated HgLogCommand.FileRevision gone, top-level HgFileRevision is bright and shiny replacement
2011-08-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 8: Means to find out information about given file at specific changeset. Inner ManifestRevisionInspector got promoted to ManifestRevision
2011-08-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 9: NPE in getModificationDate for files with status 'Unknown'
2011-08-11 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Close file streams
2011-07-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Avoid sorting revision range twice
2011-07-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use updated location of cache files (cache/ folder instead of .cache filename extension). Provide means to update (write down) cache for subsequent uses
2011-06-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
External cache Nodeid<->int added, Revlog.RevisionMap
2011-06-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Improved reading of sparse revisions from a revlog
2011-06-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Some javadoc
2011-06-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Do not expect file history to be ordered
2011-06-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Initial access to subrepositories
2011-06-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Clean IOException reference
2011-06-10 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Allow access to working copy content through HgDataFile. Give access to repository's working dir
2011-06-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Speed up branches calculation when cached branch information is available
2011-06-07 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Experimental access to working dir parents
2011-06-07 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
HgTags got TagInfo to access tags. Tags are read from all branches/revisions now, not only working copy
2011-06-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Optimize file history walk not to iterat over whole changelog for sparse and distant revisions
2011-06-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Allow to cat a file with changeset revision
2011-06-01 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Introduced access to conflict resolution information (merge state)
2011-05-31 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Test for scoped operation of HgStatusCollector
2011-05-31 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Scope for status reworked: explicit files or a general matcher
2011-05-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
NPE when directory doesn't exist
2011-05-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
IOException on empty repository with 40-byte dirstate
2011-05-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Support status query for a single file or a subdirectory of a repository
2011-05-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Close stream after reading .hgignore
2011-05-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Few tests for HgWorkingCopyStatusCollector
2011-05-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
HgBadStateException (IOException from FileAccess) on isCopy for empty data file
2011-05-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Due to discrepancy in manifest and changelor indexes, wrong manifest revisions got cached and compared
2011-05-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
NPE when one of the flags is non-null
2011-05-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Basic information about branches
2011-05-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when file appended. Erroneous 'areTheSame' when trailing were deleted.
2011-05-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 7: Correctly handle manifest and changelog with different number of (or non-matching) revisions
2011-05-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Experimental support to mix-in start and end events for inspectors. Additionally, Lifecycle may serve as iteration control
2011-05-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use correct super cons to allow explicit initCause
2011-05-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Issue 5: Facilities for progress and cancellation. More specific exceptions. Exceptions from callbacks as RuntimeException
2011-05-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use custom timezone identifier to avoid applying daylight savings from the zone guessed
2011-05-10 |
Alexander Kitaev |
Project uses Gradle for build - actual changes
2011-05-09 |
Alexander Kitaev |
Project uses Gradle for build.
2011-04-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Compound HgDate object to provide flexible access to change date/time information
2011-04-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Wrong parent assignment when building branch chain
2011-04-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Few branches (distinct BranchChains from distinct heads) may end up with same nodes. Building BC structure fixed to reuse chain elements
2011-04-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Correct index of revisions to be added into a repository
2011-04-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Conditional debug printouts
2011-04-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Sample command line tools for incoming/outgoing to use commands
2011-04-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
HgLogCommand.Handler is used in few places, pull up to top-level class, HgChangesetHandler
2011-04-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Add clone,incoming and outging tests
2011-04-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Basic test for HgOutgoingCommand. Handle cases with no outgoing changes in RepositoryComparator
2011-04-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Basic test for HgIncomingCommand. Fix RepositoryComparator for cases when whole repository is unknown. Respect freshly initialized (empty) repositories in general.
2011-04-21 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Primitive test for clone command
2011-04-20 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Performance optimization: reduce memory ParentWalker hogs
2011-04-20 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Tip constant has changed, reflected in tests
2011-04-20 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Performance optimization: reduce memory to keep revlog cached info
2011-04-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Investigate optimization options to allow fast processing of huge repositories. Fix defect in StatusCollector that lead to wrong result comparing first revision to empty repo (-1 to 0), due to same TIP constant value
2011-04-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Pool objects to avoid memory polution with duplicates
2011-04-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Optimization: use ParentWalker to get changeset's parents, if possible. Do not keep duplicating nodeids and strings in manifest revisions
2011-04-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use common low to hi-level changeset api transformer
2011-04-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use common low to hi-level changeset api transformer
2011-04-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Incoming and Outgoing commands are alive
2011-04-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Do not assume second parent can be set only when first one is set, again
2011-04-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
More debug printouts
2011-04-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Correct entry index when revlog has not inlined data
2011-04-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
[4] IllegalArgumentException: Underflow. Legitimate attempt to read 0 bytes lead to exception
2011-04-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Added cleanup and rebuild target; option to include debug information
2011-04-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Clone refactored into a command. HgBundle needs means to control its lifecycle, to be deleted when no longer needed
2011-04-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Complete Outgoing cmdline, with both lite (revisions) and complete (changeset) information dump
2011-04-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Complete incoming cmdline client, with both lite (revisions) and complete (full changeset) information dump
2011-04-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Do not assume second parent can be set only when first one is set
2011-04-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Refactor HgBundle to dispatch changes found through callback
2011-04-12 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Refactor incoming and outgoing code to be shared with RepositoryComparator. Placeholders for in/out commands. Refactor common remote lookup code
2011-04-06 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Report files as clean when no difference but timestamp found
2011-04-06 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Support for changegroup wire command
2011-04-05 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Complete logic to discover all branches missing locally. Most of wire protocol in HgRemoteRepository
2011-04-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Use POST for long between queries. Batch between queries (pass multiple pairs to a server) to minimize number thereof
2011-04-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Extracting complete branch using remote between call to detect incoming changes is done. Arguments reorderd in remote repo to better match Hg server ideology, not my mental convenience
2011-03-30 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Nice ant --projecthelp -v output
2011-03-30 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Build shall succeed with no precompiled classes, too
2011-03-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Test algorithm to build sequence of missing revisions
2011-03-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Configuration handling out of HgLookup (bad idea to use URL to pass keys)
2011-03-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Towards outgoing changes - initial detection logic, get connected with remote repo stub
2011-03-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Initial clone: populate given directory from a bundle. Everything but remote server access is there, albeit prototype code style
2011-03-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Towards initial clone: refactor HgBundle to provide slightly higher-level structure of the bundle
2011-03-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Stupid defect that cost me couple of hours. What a coincidence for merge revision of interest (157) to be right on the BIS buffer boundary.
2011-03-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Write down results of changegroup (or any other BundleFormat) wireprotocol command
2011-03-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
First GA version is 0.1.0
2011-03-10 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Build jar with sources along with main jars
2011-03-10 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Record knowledge copies are not only attribute of Added files
2011-03-10 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Record reasons for slow status for future reference
2011-03-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
New performance data
2011-03-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Record possible value (and knowledge source) for extras field
2011-03-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Correct project name
2011-03-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Approach with DataAccess instead of plain byte[] was merged into default branch
2011-03-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Integer offsets and file length explictly, rather than casts throughout code. Inflater may benefit from total length hint, but shall calculate it by its own if needed
2011-03-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Merged branch wrap-data-access into default for resource-friendly data access. Updated API to promote that friendliness to clients (channels, not byte[]). More exceptions
2011-03-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Investigate pull/clone functionality
2011-02-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Dedicated location for various test data
2011-02-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Changeset => RawChangeset
2011-02-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Format code
2011-02-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Correctly parse comments with newlines inside
2011-02-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
[2] do not rely clients supplied us absolute path
2011-02-24 |
Alexander Kitaev |
Unused variables removed.
2011-02-24 |
Alexander Kitaev |
Junit sources archive added;
2011-02-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Exceptions, javadoc. Initial cancel and progress support
2011-02-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Bring test repos along with us to recreate testbench
2011-02-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Timezone finally in use
2011-02-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
toString for friendly debug
2011-02-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Samples updated
2011-02-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Command line tools parse and respect most of command-line arguments
2011-02-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
More reasonable use of path normalizer and path.source
2011-02-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Adopt FileIterator moving towards WCStatusCollector parameterizing. Improved path handling, move 'em around
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Slight optimization
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
clean obsolete comment
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
clean fixme comment
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
explicit op name instead math op to get last rev number
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Strip off comments in config file
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
explicit op name instead math op to get last rev number
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Keep record if we tried and found no metadata for a given revision
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
core.Path to util.Path as it's not Hg repo dependant
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Fix reference to class name in the comment
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Renamed .core classes to start with Hg prefix
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Correct contact address
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
core.Cset renamed to HgChangeset; repo.Changeset moved into HgChangelog
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Introduced ChangelogHelper to look up changesets files were modified in
2011-02-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Moved HgStatus to toplevel
2011-02-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Dispatch chnagesets even if Handler is not FileHistoryHandler
2011-02-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Explicit op to tell merge revisions
2011-02-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Changeset to access parent nodeids
2011-02-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
reflect status change in the todo content
2011-02-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Subtle defect: long & int constant gives wrong results for i2 > 32000+
2011-02-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Conditionally apply filters to file content
2011-02-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Check against working copy shall expect non-persistent modifications done by filters and not report such files as modified
2011-02-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Index and start of the copy are distinct
2011-02-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Defects in the filter initialization
2011-02-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Enable filters for status operation (ToRepo case)
2011-02-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Test content of each and every revision
2011-02-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Introduced channels to pipeline (and easily filter) data streams
2011-02-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Filters to read and initialize according to configuration files
2011-02-02 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Filter implementation for newline translation
2011-01-31 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Prototype Filter support with keyword filter as a playground
2011-01-31 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Reminder comment why exe check goes first
2011-01-31 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
On Windows, if hg.exe is wrapped into batch file, need to use cmd.exe to let it run
2011-01-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Handler for StatusCommand to get notifications in the form of HgStatus object
2011-01-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
2011-01-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
2011-01-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Assume doesn't actually report tests as ignored, rather as green (pass), which is misleading
2011-01-29 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Add version identifier to jar name.
2011-01-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Preliminary tags implementation
2011-01-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
ErrorCollector in tests to grab multiple errors
2011-01-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Updated contact address to support@hg4j.com
2011-01-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Switch to JUnit for tests
2011-01-28 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Primitive performance test
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
StatusCommand().add should list copies
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Changelog to HgChangelog, Refactoring doesn't recognize name with inner class
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Changelog to HgChangelog
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Internals to HgInternals
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Lookup to HgLookup
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
*StatusCollector renamed to Hg*StatusCollector
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Switch to Path instead of String in filenames returned by various status operations
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Just in case mediator does anything to visitor on done()
2011-01-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
ignore file with regex and 'honest' glob support
2011-01-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Correctly report copy/rename events for rev..working copy case
2011-01-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Refactored to simplify manifest collector
2011-01-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Status between two revisions to recognize copy/rename
2011-01-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Fix IAE when changeset has no files listed (merged revision)
2011-01-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Build command line tools into separate jar
2011-01-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
2011-01-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
updated design questions
2011-01-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Complete path hash calculation of fncache requirement
2011-01-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Promitive test for follow file history
2011-01-25 |
alex |
build.xml: samples target fixed to use proper package names.
2011-01-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Follow history of a file
2011-01-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
TreeMap are more effective when keys are unique
2011-01-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Skip metadata in the beginning of a file content. Parse metadata, recognize copies/renames
2011-01-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Moved RevlogStream implementation into .internal
2011-01-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Fixed a defect when a file added and removed past some revision was reported as R for status against that rev
2011-01-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Modified test to check copied files
2011-01-24 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Complete refactoring to org.tmatesoft
2011-01-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Utility for future troubleshooting
2011-01-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Command-line frontend moved to separate source root with new package statement
2011-01-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Tests to run from build.xml
2011-01-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Test for log command
2011-01-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Discovery utility for Hg network protocol finally in the repo, with quick-n-dirty ConfigFile impl that helps to hide auth info
2011-01-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
StatusCommand with tests. Extra constants to indicate common revision cases
2011-01-21 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Tests for manifest cmd
2011-01-21 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Primitive test suite in org.tmatesoft
2011-01-21 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Log commandline sample updated to use LogCommand
2011-01-21 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Convenient commands constitute hi-level API. org.tmatesoft namespace, GPL2 statement
2011-01-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Typo in the method name
2011-01-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Few more tests for status
2011-01-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Simple test framework - capable of parsing Hg cmdline output to compare with Java result
2011-01-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Log operation to output mode detailed (added, removed) files
2011-01-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Introduce Internals to keep LocalHgRepo casts and alike in a single place. WCSC optionally to reuse SC data
2011-01-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Status against local working dir extracted into distinct class. Iterating over local files extracted for ease of os-dependant patching
2011-01-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Local status is back
2011-01-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Analog of 'hg status --change' command
2011-01-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Status operation extracted into separate, cache-friendly class
2011-01-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Correct split symbol for extra metadata
2011-01-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Merged changes from default branch
2011-01-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
brief explanation of patch record
2011-01-16 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Try DataAccess to reach revision data instead of plain byte arrays
2011-01-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Log to consult (placeholder, for now) class to find out associated tags
2011-01-15 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
branch and user filtering for log operation
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Limit option for history/log
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Log command output to match 'hg log'
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Better hashCode impl
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Clean inadequate comments
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Second array gone, comment follows
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Calculate result length of the patch operarion, when unknown
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Real integrity check, with exception. DigestHelper refactored to accomodate new needs
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Check integrity for bundle changelog. Sort nodeids when calculating hash
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Time parsing in Changeset
2011-01-14 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Check changelog group starts with proper (known) base
2011-01-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Nodeid is confusing, denote it's reference to manifest
2011-01-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Parse changesets from bundle's changelog group. Refactor Revlog to provide access to revision's raw content
2011-01-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Strip parsing logic out from console frontend
2011-01-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Complete parsing of the bundle format
2011-01-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Static Nodeid creation methods to reuse NULL id
2011-01-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
TODO added, to try stream for unzip in revlog
2011-01-13 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Initial dump of a bundle
2011-01-11 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Basic lookup for incoming changes
2011-01-11 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Look up changes in the local repo that are not in the remote
2011-01-11 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Collector for nodes and their parents
2011-01-11 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Explicit cons arg for clone is more error-prone
2011-01-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Cons args instead of fixed consts
2011-01-09 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Memory-mapped files for bigger files. Defect reading number of bytes greater than size of the buffer fixed
2011-01-06 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Reflect Nodeid's array is exactly 20
2011-01-06 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Nodeid with array of exactly 20 bytes
2011-01-06 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Severe defect in buffer wrap on seek
2011-01-06 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Status of local working dir against non-tip base revision
2011-01-05 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Refactor to move revlog content to base class
2011-01-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Status operation for two repository revisions (no local dir involved)
2011-01-04 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Inspector (visitor) for manifest
2011-01-03 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
status operation against current working directory
2010-12-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Query file for its parents. Demo of recently added ignore and digest support from within cat cmd
2010-12-27 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Print manifest nodeid
2010-12-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Basic hgignore handling
2010-12-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Show correct time
2010-12-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Basic manifest parsing to analyze what's in there
2010-12-26 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Unused comment
2010-12-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Boundary error in dirstate entry, explicit encoding to face troubles (if any) asap.
2010-12-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Dirstate parsing. DataAccess refactored to allow reuse and control over constants
2010-12-25 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Access to underlaying file data wrapped into own Access object, implemented with FileChannel and ByteBuffer
2010-12-23 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Filename mangling according to requires options of the store (fncache incomplete for long names)
2010-12-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Explicit folder creation in the build.xml
2010-12-22 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Ant script to build commands and run sample
2010-12-21 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
File content and non-effective, although working, patch application
2010-12-20 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Fix offset issue for inline revlogs. Commandline processing.
2010-12-20 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Rudimentary log functionality with basic infrastructure is in place
2010-12-19 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Shaping out low-level Hg structures
2010-12-18 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Repository detection from local/specified directory
2010-12-17 |
Artem Tikhomirov |
Basic changelog parsing